viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

Optiworls 2012

-El Mundial de Optimist que se ha celebrado la pasada semana en Republica Dominicana para Yukie Yokoyama de Singapur.

-Singapur se ha llevado el podiúm al completo y el Mundial por equipos 

-Los mejores españoles en los puestos 15, Luis Cabrera y 16 Andrés Alvarez

© Matias Capizzano

After leading for most of the championship, Yukie Yokoyama won the title today of Optimist World Champion, ahead of her team mate Samuel Neo Jiun Jie. After yesterdays results they were separated by just one point and today they were sailing in different divisions so they both knew that they needed to win each race to have a chance of becoming champion. Despite this pressure, neither of them faultered, both scoring two first places, enough for Yukie to become champion and Samuel to take silver.
Jessica Goh (Singapore) finished in third place and Bart Lambriex (Netherlands) had a good racing day and moved up to fourth place leaving Jiayi Loh (Singapore) in fifth.

Congratulations to Jukie, she sailed a fantastic regatta with a nett score of just 10 points after nine races. Tonight there will be much celebrating at the prize giving and closing ceremony where the IODA flag will be handed over to Italy, the venue for the 2013 Worlds.

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©Luis Fernandez