viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Copa América. El "Artemis" también con problemas...

Artemis Racing AC72 incurs damage during tow testing

18 October 2012 – In preparation for sailing the Artemis Racing AC72, the team was conducting valuable structural tests afloat earlier today when damage was incurred to the front beam of the catamaran.

The AC72 has been hauled out of the water and the design team, led by Principal Designer Juan Kouyoumidjian, is on site to evaluate the damage. This setback will delay the Swedish team’s AC72 sailing program, but the team will be working hard to have the AC72 on the water and sailing as soon as possible.

“As a team, it is our responsibility not to launch these boats until every single box has been ticked in terms of safety and structural integrity. This is a key part of the due dilligence process when entering unknown territory,” said Laurent Esquier, COO of Artemis Racing.

“All teams are going to face setbacks, but the determinent factor will be the team that rebounds the best,” said team CEO Paul Cayard.


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©Luis Fernandez