domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

ISAF. Sorpresa en el congreso de Irlanda: En Río 2016 tendremos WindSurf!!

En mayo se anunciaron las clases olímpicas que competirían en Río 2016, con la sorpresa de la exclusión, entre otras, de la clase RS:X (winsdurf).
El viernes la Asamblea ratificaba el cambio, pero a última hora se ha modificado el texto y vuelven las tablas a vela. El KiteSurf tendrá que esperar...

Estas serán las clase olímpicas de Río 2016

La Federación Internacional de Vela (ISAF) ha anunciado los nuevos miembros del Consejo de la ISAF, el órgano de decisión de la ISAF.

El italiano Carlo Croce será su nuevo presidente. No habrá vicepresidente español.


The new members of the ISAF Council were announced at the ISAF General Assembly in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland.

The Council is chaired by the ISAF President Carlo Croce (ITA) and also includes the seven Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer (non-voting) who is yet to be confirmed, 28 representatives of ISAF Member National Authorities (MNAs) and one representative each from the the athletes' commission, ISAF Classes, Offshore sailing and Women's sailing.

In addition, the ISAF Presidents of Honour, His Majesty King Harald V of Norway and His Majesty King Constantine, are entitled to attend and participate in Council meetings although they do not hold a vote. The new Council members will serve a four-year term up until the ISAF General Assembly in November 2016.

The new members of the ISAF Council are:

President and Chairman - elected by ISAF MNAs at 2012 ISAF General Assembly
Carlo Croce (ITA)

Vice-Presidents - elected by ISAF MNAs at 2012 ISAF General Assembly
George Andreadis (GRE)
Chris Atkins (GBR)
Adrienne Greenwood (NZL)
Nazli Imre (TUR)
Gary Jobson (USA)
Quanhai Li (CHN)
W Scott Perry (URU)

Treasurer (non-voting)

To be appointed in due course.

It is the responsibility of the ISAF Council to manage the business of the International Sailing Federation. Ultimately, policy decisions within ISAF, including any amendments to the ISAF Regulations, are subject to the approval of the Council.

The ISAF Committee members, who are appointed primarily because of their expertise in a particular area, of the ISAF Council are required to represent their national viewpoint. Through this mechanism the process of ISAF's decision-making reaches it climax at the ISAF Council meeting. Council members exercise their vote based on the recommendations provided the expert ISAF Committees, the views of the Member Nations they represent and the requirement to have regard to the interests of the sport worldwide.

The new Council met for the first time on the final day of the 2012 ISAF Annual Conference. Following on from this meeting, one of the first tasks of the Council will be to confirm the appointment of ISAF Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Committee members for 2013-2016.

The new Executive Committee will meet on 11 November 2012 in Dun Laoghaire.

Council Representatives - appointed by ISAF MNAs

-Group A - United Kingdom and Ireland
Dick Batt (GBR), John Crebbin (IRL)
-Group B - Central Europe
Rolf Bahr (GER), Marijan Hanzekovic (CRO)
-Group C - East Europe
Tomasz Chamera (POL), Kamen Fillyov (BUL)
-Group D - South Europe
Jean Pierre Champion (FRA), Dorith Stierler (ISR), Totos Theodosiou (CYP)
-Group E - Iberian Peninsula
Rafa Gonzalez (ESP)
-Group F - Low Countries
Rob Franken (NED)
-Group G -North Europe
Stig Hvide Smith (NOR), Kurt Lonnqvist (FIN)
-Group H - Euro-Asian
Georgy Shayduko (RUS)
-Group I - Africa and Middle-East
Khalifa M Al-Sewaidi (QAT)
-Group J - East Asia
Karl C Kwok (HKG), Takao Otani (JPN)
-Group K - South and Central Asia
Loh Kok Hua (SIN)
-Group L - South West Pacific
Jan Dawson (NZL)
David Tillett (AUS)
-Group M - South and West South America
Pablo Masseroni (ARG)
-Group N - Central and East South America
Harry Adler (BRA)
-Group O - North South America, Central American and Caribbean
Cary Lee Byerley (ANT), Hector Duval (DOM)
-Group P - North America
Gary Bodie (USA), Peter Hall (CAN), Cory Sertl (USA)
-Group Q - Africa - South of the Sahara
Ross Robson (RSA)
-ISAF Classes Representative - appointed by the International Classes Committee
Jeff Martin (GBR)
-Oceanic and Offshore Sailing Representative - the Chairman of the ISAF
To be appointed in due course.
-Women's Sailing
To be appointed in due course.
-Athletes' Commission
Ben Barger (USA)

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