martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Nuevo récord de Velocidad a Vela. 59,23 nudos de media durante 500 metros con punta de 63 nudos...

On the 16/11/12 VESTAS Sailrocket 2 set out on it's 13th run for this session Walvis Bay Namibia. In moderate conditions with around 25 knots of wind average... VSR2 smashed the previous Outright world record by the biggest margin in the records history*. Paul larsen averaged 59.23 knots over the record 500 meter course and peaked at over 63 knots. The waters of Walvis Bay became speed sailing holy turf and the home of the Outright record for the first time. This represents the culmination of 10 years hard work. The team promise it still represents the beginning of this boats potential. Africa turned on a spectacular setting and the flamingoes are just the icing. You couldn't make that stuff up. Happy days.
* Subject to WSSRC ratification
Directed, filmed and edited by Ben Holder.

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©Luis Fernandez